Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Quantitative Methods Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Quantitative Methods - Research Paper Example The importance of the co integration concept in the economic literature is due to the possibility of linking. The linking is due to the information about long run equilibrium of LTK and LOBC. The statistical evidence of short run dynamics in observed series helps in estimating the integration between the values. The each element of a vector of time series need to have a unit root. If there exists a linear combination, then it is stationary. A non parametric approach can be proposed to study the co integrated system. A discrete time p variate integrated process of order d with drift can be defined by square of Yt. Yt is the integration of values from Y1 to Yt. In 2001 the IMF board meeting held in 2001 paved the way for long awaiting IMF loans that have exceeded the limit of US$16 billion. These will have supplementary facilities also. The financial markets have been swarmed with a flow of good news and the application of banking reacpitalisation and the international cojuncture will be variables that divert the direction of the markets. The redemption of USD61 billion of domestic by treasury and the borrowing of USD 46.5 billion has initiated the availability of investments for the industries. The treasury aimed to reduce the total debt stock to Gross national product ration to 86.9 percent in 2002. The previous one is 94.7 percent. This indicates the increase of GNP and a chance of increase of productivity and share prices. It is believed that the longer dated T-bills and other higher real returns around 20 percent annualized comparison to shorter dated issues depend on O/N repo. This was based on inflation estimates and the moderate inflation resulted in increase of share prices and productivity. Though there is an intensive agenda the daily volume of equities in Istanbul stock exchange fluctuated around USD 400 million. This is due to the jitters over the political disputes that can effect the economy. As 2001 is a dismal year of performance the bench mark index of ISE eased down in January. This is due to the new letter intent coupled with the December inflation. This was posted lower than expected. The result of decreasing of USD in 2001 did not interfere in the business much. The harmonization bill, the expectation of US attack on Iraq, the banking recapitalization scheme, acceleration of the privatization process and other various laws passed by the parliament are indicators that made the business grow. This resulted in ISE 100 index inclined by 5.3 percent in terms of dollar. The USD 16 billion and the IMF credit facilities resulted in structural and infrastructure reforms and resulted in private bank recapitalization scheme being most significant of all the milestones. The rehabilitation of the state banking system and the segregation of the ailing private banks from the system reinforced the private banks and made robust step in banking reforms. The asset management companies were established and the hurdles intimidating the foreign and domestic investors were eliminated. The harmonization of privatization by EU has generated USD 1.5 billion in 2002.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Best Practices Manual for Supervisors Essay Example for Free

Best Practices Manual for Supervisors Essay There are no magic bullets to solve daily problems and the road to reform will be rough, however the solution could be easy when any organization (or even an individual) decide to take advantage of some best practices. â€Å"Supervisors form the backbone of a strong organization because supervisors are the front-line leaders who ensure that the strategy is being achieved on a daily basis. (United Services, Inc. , p. 7)†. Also, according to Hays, S. W. (2004), â€Å"a significant investment in front-line supervisory development is a key aspect of a successful program† (p. 271). Because, â€Å"time and research has shown that poor supervision is a primary source of worker dissatisfaction, attrition, and failure of merit pay plans. † (Hays, S. W, 2004, p. 272) Also, â€Å"a reform’s success depends on leadership† (Hays, S. W, 2004, p. 274). After realizing the importance of the supervisors’ role and how crucial could knowledge and training be for them, the aim of this manual is to provide our supervisors with the necessary knowledge that enables them to succeed in their job. In another word, this manual is considered to be a guide for supervisors to ease their responsibilities. II. Best Practices This section of the manual presents some of the best practices that could help our supervisors in their different responsibilities such as: demonstrating communication skills, determining effective orientation and training methods, improving productivity for teams, conducting performance appraisals, resolving conflict, and improving employee relations. 1. Demonstrating Communication Skills Communication with employees will guarantee alignment with the organization’s overall strategy (mission- vision- goals). Supervisors could use internal communication to provide a supportive working environment with a clear set of expectations for all staff. As a result employees will have a better understanding of the decisions made by the organizations, so supervisors could avoid miss expectations by developing and maintaining communication channels with employees. Figure (1) shows some channels to communicate strategic information 1. 1 Efficient Intranet â€Å"The intranet is one of the best and most valuable tools available for employee communication. A company intranet can help employees and HR save time by giving employees instant access to contact lists, company policies, announcements, training opportunities, and benefits information. † (Business Legal Reports, 2007a1, p. 1). However, â€Å"the company should take some steps to achieve this communication channel such as: update frequently, make it simple and easy, provide a search feature, track the usage, organize locally according to departments ad teams, provide a starting page for each department, include files, documents, policies, and procedures, list phone extensions and contact lists, allow for feedback forms, use a content management. † (Business Legal Reports, 2007a1, p. 1-2) 1. 2 Open Book Management Style or Dissemination of strategic information Rubin, L. and Merripen, C. (2003) presented this practice which includes sharing information with employees for better understanding of management decisions. Employees became better informed about the business and feel more inclusive and entrepreneurial about their contribution and impact. Then employees moved their focus from just their job to looking at the company as a whole. † (p. 4) Collins, R. and Druten, K. V. (2003) â€Å"found a strong link between organizational performance over the past three years and the emphasis placed on communicating information to all members about the organization’s purpose, aspirations, strategy and performance. † Figure (1) shows some communication channels that managers and supervisors could use to communicate strategic information with employees. Figure (1): Channels to communicate strategic information Source: Collins, R. and Druten, K. V. (2003). Human Resources Management Practices 2. Determining Effective Orientation and Training Methods 2. 1 Best practices for effective orientation New employees orientation is important to facilitate the integration of new employees in the organization with understanding the organization’s culture, mission, vision and values. Orsini, B. (2000) presented some best practices for new employees orientation such as: â€Å"sessions for new employees to introduce them to the organization and provide them with an overview of the organizational mandate and structure, mentoring new employees by a staff member, profile of employee new to group by within a local newsletter or e-mail, and office tours as an opportunity to meet staff face-to-face and get a sense of what they do†. 2. 2 Best practices for effective training methods Training nowadays is not a luxury anymore. Due to the competitive marketplace and the complexity of jobs, training became a necessity for surviving and competing for both organizations and employees. Recently. There is â€Å"much greater emphasis on training as a means to cultivate, motivate, and retain quality workers†. (Hays, S. W. , 2004, p. 261) â€Å"Operationally, supervisors and managers are responsible for ensuring their employees get the training they need and/or the opportunity to attend the training classes. † (Bjomberg, L. , 2002) 2. 2. 1 Learning for life Program To show how could such practice help the organization, it’s useful to mention a real case study. For example, â€Å"Honeywell Limited’s Scarborough factory developed a learning for life program to improve productivity and quality and reduce costs in an effort to remain competitive in the global economy. Eighty percent of the factory participated in this program and Honeywell has increased its factory throughput by 180% and improved the quality of its products by 92%†. (The Conference Board of Canada, 1998, p. 5) This innovative program â€Å"developed more productive employees, increased productivity, improved quality, effective collaborative decision-making, improved communication skills. † (The Conference Board of Canada, 1998, p. 5) 2. 2. 2 Other best practices The Conference Board of Canada (1998) presented many other best practices in training or workplace literacy such as: ? Empowering adult learners ? Excellence in workplace literacy ? Skills for a stable workplace ? Literacy through e-learning ? Establishing a baseline for training ? Peer tutoring: employee helping employees Such practices has resulted in increased productivity, reduced staff turnover, enhanced performance, improved quality, effective collaborative decision-making, improved communication skills, in another word, it helped in creating a positive environment for both the employer and employees because benefits was achieved for both of them. 3. Improving Productivity for Teams Improving productivity for teams and for employees in general is the ultimate goal for all organizations to maximize the overall performance. And because we are talking about humans or employees, improving productivity should include creating a convenient environment that could help them to work productively. 3. 1 Work life balance (developing a family-friendly work environment) â€Å"Don’t be fired by your family† Best practice has shown that â€Å"both employees and employers can benefit when staff are able to adapt flexible work practices thereby enabling them to better manage their work and family responsibilities† (UQ, 2007, p. 1). In the end result this could increase employees productivity. â€Å"Supervisors have an important role in developing and maintaining a family-friendly work environment† (UQ, 2007, p. 1). â€Å"A supervisor could help creating this environment by flexibly organizing work arrangements and workloads taking into consideration certain factors such as night lecturing, summer schools, acting as a role model demonstrating understanding and acceptance of work family balance, and take a positive approach to negotiating flexible arrangements† (UQ, 2007, p. 1-2). 3. 2 Teleworking is good for business and employees Teleworking is another practice resulted in improving productivity. According to Business Legal Reports (2006), †teleworking has some benefits such as: relocation cost savings, increased productivity by reducing employees absentee, reduced costs for office space, and employee satisfaction† (p. 7). So, when supervisors consider benefiting from telework, they won’t only provide an improved work-life balance for the employee, but also they will get improved business performance for the employer. 3. 3 Other best practices 3. 3. 1 Concern for employee community (Employee Care Program and Employee Relations Program) This practice proved that it could reduce employees’ turnover. This kind of program â€Å"monitors how people are doing in their jobs and in their lives, offers rewards, gifts, annual picnic and holiday, flexible scheduling and telecommuting, and medical coverage. † 3. 3. 2 Encourage employees to take their vacations This practice is important to enable employees to relax enough to avoid stress, anxiety, emotional problems, job burnout in order to let employees perform at their optimum level. 3. 3. 3 Consumer-driven health care Textron, Inc is an example company that adopted this practice. The company â€Å"consolidated employee healthcare options and shifted to consumer-driven healthcare. This resulted in increased productivity, a significant decline in healthcare costs, and decrease in the casual absentee rates and the incidence of disability leave. † (Business Legal Reports, 2007b, p. 3) 4. Conducting Performance appraisals â€Å"Monitoring staff performance is a key for any supervisor. It should be part of on-going discussions with staff and volunteers about their work and the results obtained. † (Mathew, M. , 2007) According to Hays, S. W. (2004), â€Å"an immense amount of energy has recently been devoted to upgrading the quality of performance appraisals by tying them to organizational missions and goals. † (p. 262) 4. 1 Best practices for evaluation? According to Hays, S. W. (2004), best practices concerning evaluation showed that â€Å"HR experts agree that evaluations ought to (a) be based on objective and observable criteria, (b) involve mutual goal setting, (c) avoid the tendency to assess irrelevant worker traits, and (d) be tailored to each individual job and worker (rather than using one form for every employee). † 4. 2 360-Degree performance management feedback system According to Business Legal Reports (2006), â€Å"this system, which solicits feedback from boss, peers and direct reports if there are any, has been increasingly embraced as the best of all available methods for collecting performance feedback. † (p. 4) â€Å"The 360 process allows for multiple points of view to be given on any given individual. It neutralizes what might otherwise be one rater’s bias (either positive or negative) and helps to paint a more comprehensive picture of that individual’s performance. † (p. 4) 4. 3 Other best practices Hays, S. W. (2004) also mentioned other best practices in conducting performance appraisals such as: â€Å"Employee Performance Management System (EPMS), 360-degree evaluation, Team-based evaluations, and Gainsharing. † (p. 262) 5 Resolving Conflict According to Vogel, A. (2007), â€Å"unproductive workplace conflict arises when appropriate communication breaks down. The result is wasted work time; a drop in motivation, productivity and quality of service; employee attrition; loss of authority; a stressful work environment; and even direct damage to the company. † 5. 1 The best approach to avoid â€Å"The best approach to workplace conflict is to avoid unproductive quarreling altogether. And suggested four strategies –mentioned by Daniel Dana- for eliminating strife: (1) address conflict early, (2) avoid a one-sided solution, (3) take risks such as apologizing, (4) respect others’ peace-making gestures. † (Vogel, A. , 2007) 5. 2 Guidelines for managing the situation Vogel, A, (2007) mentioned some guidelines to help managing scuffles before they escalate into real crisis such as: mediating conflict between two employees, decide to mediate, hold preliminary meetings, conduct a three-way meeting, work out a deal, self-mediation, step outside your office, listen first, and finally manage diverging viewpoints. † 6 Improving Employee Relations 6. 1 Create a newsletter One practice to improve employee relations is to create a newsletter that works for employee communications either a printed one or an electronic one (by e-mail or on the website). 6. 2 Build a forum on your website or intranet This forum will provide an informal communication channel for employees to share their ideas, events or even their problems 6. 3 Create shared events Being a supervisor you could make some events shared even if you turn the routine group tasks into fun shared events. For example CMP Technology made the spring-cleaning records become an event. â€Å"Employees worked together in teams and competed to win a dinner for the team and discarded 12 tons of unnecessary paper in the process. † (Business Legal Reports, 2007a2) III. Conclusion The main conclusion is that best practices can -for sure- help supervisors and enhance the way they deal with their responsibilities with employees by adopting approaches, techniques, and policies to create a positive, creative, and supportive work environment. Another conclusion is that information technology has an important role in providing effective HR practices. Finally, supervisors should be a model themselves for their employees in order to make a real change. References Bjomberg, L. (2002). Training and development: Best practices. Public Personnel Management. Winter 2002. International Public Management Association for Human Resources Survey. Retrieved April 16, 2008 from http://www. entrepreneur. com/tradejournals/article/160542388_1. html Business Legal Reports, Inc. (2006). Top 10 Best Practices in HR Management for 2008. United States of America: Business Legal Reports, Inc. Business Legal Reports (2007a1). 10 Tips for HR to Boost Intranet Efficiency. Best Practices in HR. (838), pp. 1-2 Business Legal Reports (2007a2). ‘Bin There, Dump That’-Spring Cleaning Recors Becomes Event at CMP Technology. Best Practices in HR. (838), pp. 3 Business Legal Reports (2007b). Case study: Move to consumer-driven healthcare decreases costs, improves employee health. Best Practices in Compensation Benefits. (734), pp. 3 Collins, R. Druten, K. V. (2003). Survey of Australian and New Zealand Human Resource Practices, CCH and AGSM. Retrieved April 16, 2008 from http://www2. agsm. edu. au/agsm/web. nsf/AttachmentsByTitle/CCHREPORT2003/$FILE/CCH+Final+2003. pdf Hays, S. W. (2004). Trends and Best Practices in State and Local Human Resource Management: Lessons to be learned? Review of Public Administration, 24(3), pp. 256-275, SAGE Publications. Retrieved April 16, 2008 from http://rop. sagepub. com/cgi/content/abstract/24/3/256 Mathew, M. (2007). Best Practices Module: Human resources management. British Columbia Museum Association. Retrieved April 16, 2008 from http://www. museumsassn. bc. ca/Images/Best%20Practices%20Modules%202/Human%20Resource%20Management%20FINAL. pdf Orsini, B. (2000). Improving Internal Communications. Internal Auditor. December 2000. Retrieved April 16, 2008 from http://findarticles. com/p/articles/mi_m4153/is_6_57/ai_69759744/pg_1 Rubin, L. Merripen, C. (2003). IGDA Business Committee: Best practices in Human Resources. IGDA. Retrieved April 16, 2008 from http://www. igda. org/hr/IGDA_Best_Practices_HR. pdf The Conference Board of Canada (1998). Workplace Literacy Best Practices Reader. The Conference Board of Canada . Retrieved April 16, 2008 from http://www. conferenceboard. ca/education/pdf/Awards/litread. pdf United Services, Inc.. Best Practices for Supervisor Training. Retrieved April 16, 2008 from http://www. mhrrg. com/images/UnitedServices02. PDF UQ: University of Queensland (2007). Balancing Work and Family/Life Responsibilities: Guidelines for supervisors. April 2007. Retrieved April 16, 2008 from http://www. uq. edu. au/equity/docs/bwfl_super_guide. pdf Vogel, A, (2007). Resolving Workplace Conflict. Body-Mind-Spirit Review. June 2007 Retrieved April 16, 2008 from http://www. inneridea. com/library/balanced-business-resolving-workplace-conflict

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Imagery in The Tempest, by William Shakespeare Essays -- Tempest essay

  Ã‚  Ã‚   William Shakespeare's play The Tempest utilizes extensive imagery which goes beyond merely creating atmosphere and background or emphasizing the major themes of the play. The supernatural plays a considerable role in the play, thus so does the use of imagery, which is more extensive and somewhat different from many other of Shakespeare's works. The imagery is used as a mediator of supernatural powers, to emphasize the natural scene of action, and establish the enchanted island which becomes vivid through such a wealth of single features and of concrete touches. Therefore throughout the play imagery serves a much larger role than creating atmosphere, and is actually involved in most aspects of the play.    In The Tempest, the actual catastrophe is at the beginning, and not at the end or in the middle of the play. And everything derives and develops from this beginning. Thus the images in this first scene that act as links with the previous events have not the function of preparing what is to come; they are rather a reminiscence, or an afterthought, they keep awake our remembrance of what has happened. The manner in which an actual event, by means of the imagery, pervades and overcasts the whole play is a good instance of Shakespeare's technique, sometimes employed by him in his later plays, of transforming frequently used symbolic imagery into actual incident.    The "sea-storm" lingering in our memory, together with the recollection of wind, water and conflicting elements, thus constitutes one of the main streams of imagery which, from the second scene onwards, flow through the play. In the second scene, we are still under the impression of what we have witnessed just before; and, accordin... ...      The examination of the imagery in The Tempest showed how vividly, sensuously and precisely this nature-world was represented. As we have already said, this concreteness and realness; conveyed through the imagery, constitutes a counterpart to the world of the supernatural in this play. The supernatural, in being based on firm reality, gains probability and convincing power.       Bibliography    Shakespeare, W. The Tempest. Ed. Sutherland, J.R. (1990)    G. Wilson Knight, (1932) The Shakespearean Tempest, Oxford    Elizabeth Holmes, (1976) Aspects of Elizabethan Imagery, Oxford    Mikhail M. Morozor, (1989)"The Individualization of Shakespeare's Characters through Imagery", Shakespeare Survey.    Kenneth Goddard, "Imagery and Drama" (1992) University Journal    B. Thompson, (1995) Notes on The Tempest

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Inquiry Based Science Instruction Using Science Fair Projects Essay

In order to fully develop critical thinking skills necessary to function in the world of science, and the world in general, science teachers must incorporate more robust authentic inquiry activities, as part of their overall science curriculum. However, in my experience as a science teacher (18 years) and a science program director (3 years) in inner-city high schools in Boston, students do not have the opportunity to engage in robust authentic inquiry activities. Using my years’ experience in the public education system, it is clear to me that factors, such as teachers’ inadequate content knowledge, lack of motivation to implement inquiry, pressure to teach to high stake standardized tests, lack of experience conducting scientific research, and belief systems, hamper their ability and willingness to implement robust inquiry activities as part of their teaching. As a result, students suffer by not only missing the opportunity to fully engage in authentic inquiry, but also become unmotivated to engage in scientific research and or pursue scientific careers. The most effective means by which to overcome this authentic inquiry deficit is through the implementation of science fair projects, which go beyond traditional â€Å"cookbook lab† teaching methodologies. And while I am fully cognizant of the fact that my experience in this matter is biased based upon the workings of the Boston inner-city school system only, academics, such as Thienhuong Hoang, agree that science fair allow students to conduct scientific experiments thereby engaging them in inquiry process, rather than only allowing them to learn concepts. 2010) Inquiry and the Science Fair Project For decades, inquiry has been the focus of science teaching. The National Research Council (NRC), for example, refers to inquiry as the central strategy for teaching science‚ (1996), and defines inquiry as â€Å"the diverse way in which scientists study the natural world and propose explanations based on evidence derived from their work. † (1996) In addition, NRC notes that inquiry seeks to create opportunities for learners to engage in science and to build an in-depth understanding based on their previous ideas and experiences. Further, NRC recommends that teachers engage students in inquiry asking scientific questions, using evidence in responding to questions, formulating explanations from evidence, connecting explanations to scientific knowledge, and communicating and justifying findings. (2000) I fully concur with the position of NRC regarding inquiry, and have, throughout both my prior teaching career and current position as a science program director, included and required teachers to include inquiry – and particularly science fair – as the foundation of their teaching. As a result, students have achieved deeper content knowledge and broader understanding of scientific processes. Inquiry through science fair projects, rather than traditional â€Å"cookbook lab† methods of science teaching and learning, in which students follow a predetermined protocol and the results of the experiment are known in advance, allow students to more fully engage in critical thinking and learning. Further, only inquiry – and specifically science fair – helps students better develop and understand the need to engage in probing questions to scientific problems. This, in turn, affords students increased opportunities to propose and develop their own methodologies, and increases their scientific literacy skills. Thus, science fair projects are a key link between science education and the work of scientists in real life. An aspect of scientists’ work that I believe is crucial for students to acquire is the significance of ethics and conclusions based on data collected through scientific research, due to the potential implication of the scientist’s work on society. For example, the racial classification in the early 18th century of the superiority and inferiority of races, which became part of the Western racial ideology, was the result of scientific research involving different human characteristics, which was later determined to be falsified. (Carlton, 2008) Similarly, western gender stereotypes have biased historical research of gender studies in the south (Fennell and Arnot, 2008); thereby rendering such research limited in its historical significance and material use. Thus, exposing students to authentic scientific inquiry via science fair projects is not only necessary to the student’s academic success, it is, in my opinion, a vital component of the development of critical thinking skills necessary to separate authentic scientific data and research results from potentially questionable results; like the superiority/inferiority of different races and other biases. Teacher Beliefs and Experience  Teachers’ actions in the classroom tend to reflect their own belief systems. This holds true both in my own experience working in the field of education, and other academics. For as Wallace and Kang note in their article â€Å"An Investigation of Experienced Secondary Science Teachers’ Beliefs About Inquiry: An Examination of Competing Beliefs Sets†, â€Å"what a teacher actually does in the classroom is representative of her beliefs. (2004) Additionally, in conducting research for their article â€Å"White Male Teachers on Differences: Narratives of Contact and Tensions†, Jupp and Slattery note the comments of one of the participants in the research project as stating â€Å"†¦teachers are certainly biased against certain children, especially if they don’t know them, and often are surprised at the amount of intelligence and cultural awareness of minority children who have been raised in quote-unquote the right way, you know, the middle class family type of situation†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (2010) A teacher holding this ideology, for example, is likely to engage students in an inferior level of inquiry because the teacher’s assumption is that such students are incapable of critical thinking. Jupp and Slattery also noted in the interview of participants (Ibid), â€Å"†¦you can see that people are going out of their way to be sure that students don’t feel divorced from the curriculum†¦Ã¢â‚¬  This translates to teachers’ beliefs that if the emphasis is placed on inquiry – and specifically science fair projects, which requires a great deal of time – it will be at the expense of teaching for high stake standardized tests. Finally, Wallace and Kang, (2004) in their article â€Å"An Investigation of Experienced Secondary Science Teachers’ Beliefs About Inquiry: An Examination of Competing Beliefs Sets†, note that the teacher’s knowledge, or lack thereof, dictates his or her actions in the classroom. 2004) Therefore, it is clear to me – both in my own experiences in the field of education and based upon the literature – the possession of strong content knowledge, as well as research and science teaching e xperience, is essential to the effective teaching of inquiry, since a teacher that possesses this necessary skill set is better equipped to help students develop their ideas through probing at a deeper level. The use of science fair projects, therefore, is a key bridge in this knowledge gap, since science fair allows students the ability to conduct their own scientific research and develop their own scientific hypotheses. Barriers to Inquiry Studies show that there exist many barriers affecting the implementation of inquiry. For example, Trautmann, MaKinster, and Avery, in their article â€Å"What Makes Inquiry so Hard (And Why is it Worth it? )†, cite that the main reason teachers are reluctant to implement inquiry stems from the need to be efficient. 2004) Teachers feel they have to choose between teaching facts which students later regurgitate on standardized tests, and teaching with a focus on in-depth learning, which is more effectively attained through inquiry – and specifically through science fair projects. Trautmann, MaKinster and Avery also noted that the pressure placed upon teachers and schools to prepare students for high stake standardized tests impedes the implementation of inquiry in science classes. (Ibid) As a result, science teachers feel the need to maintain control of their classroom, as a method of controlling the curriculum required for standardized tests, rather than allow students to work independently on science fair projects. Another obstacle hampering the implementation of authentic scientific inquiry teaching – and specifically the implementation of science fair projects – is that teachers have a tendency to employ the same teaching strategies as the ones they experienced as students. (Davis, 2003) As such, they resist change and miss the opportunity to be innovative in their teaching by incorporating inquiry into their curriculum – especially with respect to science fair projects. Further, teacher training, in general, does not offer an effective model for the practice of science instruction based on inquiry. As a consequence, teachers are limited in their ability to carry out authentic inquiry, in general, in their classrooms. This inability to teach via authentic inquiry prohibits them from adopting science fair projects as part of their curriculum.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

My Planet

â€Å"A stich in time saves nine. † Prevention is always better than cure, if we know that something with the passage of time might become dangerous then it better to take a precautionary step to combat the danger. So how many times you heard your parents and grandparents say this to you- take precaution dear and don’t give your problems a chance to arrive. So better work now and take precaution instead of fixing the damage later. This phase is applicable in many fields of life: If you are student then you should study every day, but generally all the confusion arises when you study only during exam. When you ignore your study in the early stages then you end up working hard during your examinations and risk your success. There is no need to gamble with your success if you do your studies appropriately on time. You should immediately go to a doctor and start your treatment, if there are certain visible symptoms of a disease, before getting diagnosed with that disease. There have been many cancer cases where the patient did not take his health seriously and later on with further deterioration of his health, he comes to know that he is suffering from cancer and is at the second or third stage. Had he been to the doctor earlier and diagnosed with his disease then he could have been easily cured in the first stage. Even in the case of other diseases early detection helps in taking better preventive measures. Thinking that the disease will cure itself or avoiding doctor visit may result in increase of the problem and expenses even endanger your life. We can take precaution methods by choosing healthy diet and making it a point to exercise regularly. Regular exercise and good nutritious food will make us less prone to diseases, and will also result in a healthy heart, mind and body. Preventive measures taken in work areas also lessen the intensity of suffering. For example if you focus on the market you can save yourself from financial catastrophe by perceiving the future losses. Preventive measure also helps in controlling population. Wise man always use this formula for the success, they never wait for the deadline to come near to start their work, instead they finish their work before deadline, this gives them time to solve any unseen problem that might occur during the process of their work. It is an old saying which holds true in daily life: No man is perfect we all do mistakes. But with the help of act of Prevention one can avoid doing many disasters, complexities, confusion and destruction. We can check ourselves from doing something by thinking about the outcome (that can happen because of our negligence) first and then take appropriate action. Each and every action should be measured carefully because solving the problem will be more time consuming and more painful compared to taking precaution so that the problem do not happen

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Free Essays on Rock N’ Roll

I’m going to introduce to the reader a topic not touched on a lot because of its complexity and its avoidance by conservative adults. This topic is Rock n’ Roll Music. I compiled my information from the internet, books and magazines and my personal knowledge about the topic and from that information, I will try to lead you to a better understanding of Rock n’Roll. I chose this topic because Rock n’ Roll has been popular all my life and I relate certain life events by a song that was popular at that time. Rock music is very complex; in fact "its stylistic scope is too broad to be encompassed by any single definition" ("Rock Music", Groliers, p.1). The nearest definition suggests a kind of music that represents and speaks for the teenage society and changes from generation to generation, from â€Å"I wanna hold your hand† to lyrics so sexually explicit, nothing is left to the imagination. In this essay, I’m going to divide Rock music into four sections: Rock of the 50 ´s, of the 60 ´s, of the 70 ´s and of the 80 ´s. Within these sections I will also discuss several sub-topics such as famous composers and groups, and characteristics of the music. The first section of this essay is Rock n’ Roll of the 1950’s, when Rock n’ Roll was born. Fifties rock emerged from rhythm and blues, music similar to jazz played by black artists. Disc jockey Alan Freed was the one who first introduced this music and later gave it the name of Rock n’ Roll and it began to attract the teenage crowd. Bill Haley with his "Rock Around the Clock" was one of the first Rock n’ Roll icons. Also in this decade, Elvis Presley introduced music that was sexually suggestive and outraged dull adults. In time he changed the style of his music by adopting a country and western style and became a national hero. By the end of this decade and the start of the next, Rock n’ Roll started to decline because it was formula ridden and thought to be to... Free Essays on Rock N’ Roll Free Essays on Rock N’ Roll I’m going to introduce to the reader a topic not touched on a lot because of its complexity and its avoidance by conservative adults. This topic is Rock n’ Roll Music. I compiled my information from the internet, books and magazines and my personal knowledge about the topic and from that information, I will try to lead you to a better understanding of Rock n’Roll. I chose this topic because Rock n’ Roll has been popular all my life and I relate certain life events by a song that was popular at that time. Rock music is very complex; in fact "its stylistic scope is too broad to be encompassed by any single definition" ("Rock Music", Groliers, p.1). The nearest definition suggests a kind of music that represents and speaks for the teenage society and changes from generation to generation, from â€Å"I wanna hold your hand† to lyrics so sexually explicit, nothing is left to the imagination. In this essay, I’m going to divide Rock music into four sections: Rock of the 50 ´s, of the 60 ´s, of the 70 ´s and of the 80 ´s. Within these sections I will also discuss several sub-topics such as famous composers and groups, and characteristics of the music. The first section of this essay is Rock n’ Roll of the 1950’s, when Rock n’ Roll was born. Fifties rock emerged from rhythm and blues, music similar to jazz played by black artists. Disc jockey Alan Freed was the one who first introduced this music and later gave it the name of Rock n’ Roll and it began to attract the teenage crowd. Bill Haley with his "Rock Around the Clock" was one of the first Rock n’ Roll icons. Also in this decade, Elvis Presley introduced music that was sexually suggestive and outraged dull adults. In time he changed the style of his music by adopting a country and western style and became a national hero. By the end of this decade and the start of the next, Rock n’ Roll started to decline because it was formula ridden and thought to be to...

Monday, October 21, 2019

ERRAZIB essays

ERRAZIB essays After reading Horace Miners article, Body Ritual Among the Nacirema, I wasnt just appalled by the Nacirema's ignorant and unnatural acts, but also shocked to discover that Miner was describing our own culture. Miner simply disguised and fabricated our culture by switching letters around and making our everyday practices seem bizarre. I had to read Miners writing several times before I fully understood his purpose. I am assuming that most of us didnt recognize Miners approach right away because our acts and practices come so natural to us that we dont even notice them ourselves. Speaking for myself, I seriously thought I was learning about a new or perhaps made-up culture. They are three practices that stood out to me in this article, in which, Miner uses our practices of American culture through the practices of the Nacirema. On the first page of the article, I found the first resemblance between American and Nacirema. Miner used Notgnishaw and the fact that he threw a piece of wampum across the river Pa - to - Mac and chopped down a cherry tree to describe our first president, Washington. Miner spelled Washingtons name backwards and disguised the Potomac (Pa - to Mac) River, along with other clues to confuse us. Miner also goes as far as our bathroom to show us how strange and unnatural we are. He uses the word shrine to describe bathroom, in which, everything in that room is kept private and secret. Meaning everything done in that room is mostly done by ourselves and that children will be potty trained and will later uncover these mysterious processes. My favorite comparison between American and Nacirema is the way Miner brings out our dental check-ups. It was interesting on how he describes our toothbrush as the hog hair placed into our mouth, and toothpaste ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Military Abbreviations Found on US Grave Markers

Military Abbreviations Found on US Grave Markers Many military graves are inscribed with abbreviations that denote the unit of service, ranks, medals, or other information on the military veteran. Others may also be marked with bronze or stone plaques provided by the U.S. Veterans Administration. This list includes some of the most common military abbreviations that may be seen on headstones and grave markers in American ​cemeteries, both in the United States and overseas. Military Rank BBG - Brevet Brigadier GeneralBGEN - Brigadier GeneralBMG - Brevet Major GeneralCOL - ColonelCPL - CorporalCPT - CaptainCSGT - Commissary SergeantGEN - GeneralLGEN - Lieutenant GeneralLT - Lieutenant1 LT - First Lieutenant (2 LT 2nd Lieutenant, and so on)LTC - Lieutenant ColonelMAJ - MajorMGEN - Major GeneralNCO - Noncommissioned OfficerOSGT - Ordinance SergeantPVT - PrivatePVT 1CL - Private First ClassQM - QuartermasterQMSGT - Quartermaster SergeantSGM - Sergeant MajorSGT - SergeantWO - Warrant Officer Military Unit Branch of Service ART - ArtilleryAC or USA - Army Corps; United States ArmyBRIG - BrigadeBTRY - BatteryCAV - CavalryCSA - Confederate States of AmericaCT - Colored Troops; may precede the branch such as CTART for Colored Troops ArtilleryCO or COM - CompanyENG or EM - Engineer; Engineers / MinersFA - Field ArtilleryHA or HART - Heavy ArtilleryINF - InfantryLA or LART - Light ArtilleryMC - Medical CorpsMAR or USMC - Marines; United States Marine CorpsMIL - MilitiaNAVY or USN - Navy; United States NavyREG - RegimentSS - Sharpshooters (or sometimes Silver Star, see below)SC- Signal CorpsTR - TroopUSAF - United States Air ForceVOL or USV - Volunteers; United States VolunteersVRC - Veteran Reserve Military Service Medals Awards AAM - Army Achievement MedalACM - Army Commendation MedalAFAM  - Air Force Achievement MedalAFC  - Air Force CrossAM  - Air MedalAMNM  - Airmans MedalARCOM - Army Commendation MedalBM - Brevet MedalBS or BSM - Bronze Star or Bronze Star MedalCGAM  - Coast Guard Achievement MedalCGCM - Coast Guard Commendation MedalCGM  - Coast Guard MedalCR  - Commendation RibbonCSC - Conspicuous Service Cross (New York)DDSM  - Defense Distinguished Service MedalDFC - Distinguished Flying CrossDMSM  - Defense Meritorious Service MedalDSC  - Distinguished Service CrossDSM  - Distinguished Service MedalDSSM  - Defense Superior Service MedalGS  - Gold Star  (generally appears in conjunction with another award)JSCM  - Joint Service Commendation MedalLM or  LOM - Legion of MeritMH or MOH - Medal of HonorMMDSM  - Merchant Marine Distinguished Service MedalMMMM  - Merchant Marine Mariners MedalMMMSM  - Merchant Marine Meritorious Service MedalMSM  - Meritorious Servic e MedalNMCM  - Navy Marine Corps MedalNAM  - Navy Achievement Medal NC  - Navy CrossNCM  - Navy Commendation MedalOLC - Oak Leaf Cluster (generally appears in conjunction with another award)PH - Purple HeartPOWM  - Prisoner of War MedalSM  - Soldiers MedalSS or SSM - Silver Star or Silver Star Medal These abbreviations generally follow another award to indicate superior achievement or multiple awards: A - AchievementV - ValorOLC - Oak Leaf Cluster (generally follows another award to indicate multiple awards) Military Groups Veterans Organizations DAR - Daughters of the American RevolutionGAR - Grand Army of the RepublicSAR - Sons of the American RevolutionSCV - Sons of Confederate VeteransSSAWV - Sons of Spanish American War VeteransUDC - United Daughters of the ConfederacyUSD 1812 - Daughters of the War of 1812USWV - United Spanish War VeteransVFW - Veterans of Foreign Wars

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Characteristics of efficient, responsive, risk-hedging and agile Assignment

Characteristics of efficient, responsive, risk-hedging and agile supply chains - Assignment Example Risk-Hedging Supply Chain is distinguished by a high supply and low demand uncertainty, cost efficiency and hedging the risk of supplier distractions. It also has a functional product type and competitive on cost and flexibility. This form of the supply chain has a low responsiveness to market demand and uses a relation-based approach toward suppliers. Agile Supply Chain is highly sensitive to the market and able to read and respond to real market demand. Agile supply chains have extensive sharing of information between suppliers and buyers regarding supply and demand and hence, develop a virtual supply chain where physical stocks are adequately replaced with information. No, a company cannot apply both responsive and efficient supply chains. This is because responsive and efficient supply chain strategies have conflicting objectives, for instance, in terms of cost and lead-times. Whereas efficient supply chain has a low-cost strategy and long-term forecast, the responsive supply cha in has high unit cost and short-term forecasts. Yes,  management can apply both agile and risk-hedging supply chains. This is because agility works in environments with high demand and supply risks. Agile approaches unite strengths of responsive and risk-hedging approaches to respond to the uncertain demand of customers while minimizing the risk of supply disruption.

James Burkes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

James Burkes - Essay Example Consequently a lot of materials got lost with no one being aware. By the end of the 14th century there was a boom for everything that could be sold, everyone who had something to sell went to sell and this was the beginning of goods and money being exchanged. Towns and businesses developed giving a meaning to paperwork and a need to keep records. As business grew, demand for documentation also grew and the number of writers increased. In 1439 metal bars with engraved letters for faster printing were invented; they would be arranged in a paper frame, smeared with ink allowing printing of as many similar pages as it could get. Arrangement would be changed to make different page contents. This ensured access to Church Bibles, pamphlets and other documents. Rebellion started through pamphlets when Luther printed fourteen complaints to the Church, one being that forgiveness pamphlets were not supposed to be sold. This gave people a chance to express their disagreements. Books in different fields were printed and fashion spread worldwide, with printed science materials scientists were able to correct mistakes. Book fairs were held all over Europe boosting everyone’s sense of identity. Emergence of libraries triggered indexing and cross indexing that would show relations in content, thus, leading to more knowledge discovery. In 1939 the computer was invented; it has led to numerous growths in the field of science and technology. Before the 16th century, the church controlled everything and anything in the Bible was not questioned. Copernicus, who was a priest, researched on heavenly arrangements contradicting views that the Earth was the center of the universe; he discovered that the sun was at the center of the universe. After his discovery he published manuscripts saying that the Earth moves and the sun was at the center of the universe but no one believed him. More researches were done proving that circular motion becomes

Friday, October 18, 2019

Global Smartphone Industry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Global Smartphone Industry - Essay Example Further Porter’s five forces will enable to analyze the competitive forces of Nokia. In the part about sstrategic alliances and global competitiveness the BCG matrix will represent Nokia’s portfolio. In the part about the organizational structure of Nokia a McKinsey model will establish connections between areas that influence the the company’s performance. The 21st century has brought significant changes into the different spheres of human lives. Thus, energy conservation, openings in genetics as well as new technology are now the integral part of every society. Modern technology is the most noticeable because people use different devices such as mobile phones for their everyday purposes. This technology now accelerates the speed of information processing allowing sharing of the real-time information and communication between people. Moreover, such a small device as smartphone opens more potential for businesses, it is used in education purposes, its social meaning is great today. While the global traditional phone market is struggling with the recession as a result of the global economic downturn, the market of smartphones is growing. So the competition between the biggest manufacturers and providers grows as well. The following paper will examine the smartphone industry competitiveness, evaluating the nature of the industry competit ion that Nokia, a Finnish multinational company, faces in front of new mobile operating systems. Further it will discuss the impact of the global smartphone industry competition on Nokia’s smartphone market share and income. It will carry out a critical assessment regarding Nokia strategic alliance with Microsoft. The nature of the competition between different organizations in numerous spheres around world is changing. Due to the financial capital are still deficient and markets are inconsistent. All these factors call constant changes in all areas of business environment. Other features of the modern

CASE STUDY-WALMART'S JAPAN STRATEGY Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

-WALMART'S JAPAN STRATEGY - Case Study Example The author goes on to explain the issues faced by the company in its quest for international expansion. The major problem faced in Japan was the cultural diversity that existed between its American and Japanese employees. Another factor is that the company, known for its low prices, did not find favor with the Japanese mentality. Unlike the United States, the Japanese equated low prices with poor quality. In Mexico and the United Kingdom, the company faced stiff from other retailers. In Mexico, three of the prominent retailers formed an operational alliance to get the benefits of large-scale purchases in order to compete with Wal-Mart. The study suggests that the entry of Wal-Mart into Japan was timed perfectly (in a strategic context). The country was just emerging out of a recession and Wal-Mart hoped that low prices would be a hit with cash strapped consumers. But the strategy has not been accepted well by the people because of the reason mentioned above. The next section provides a balance sheet and income statement of the corporation for the years 2000 - 2003. It can be seen that there has been a steady growth over these years in all parameters like assets, income, profits and dividends.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Speaking Our Minds Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Speaking Our Minds - Essay Example Language and speech have been applied to convince parties to lean towards the presentation of establishing mutual agreement. The communication process has held the needed measures to offer a satisfaction in delivering substantial results in achieving a given target. The ability of expressing these desires has been noted to present the needed incentives to complete the norm of expression that determines the qualifications of individuals. The expression entity has been included in the relation to complete the norm of placing the desires before the though presented. The capability of individuals is varied and the challenge presented has been directed to the completion of the set tasks. However, various individuals hold different values that define their personality to the external society. The ability of an individual to claim their rights within the society has been noticed to hold the requirements in establishing confidence (Sanchez, 2009). Speech and the language involved in a conver sation or monologue accords the needed information to define the needed attributes to develop. The ability of an individual to speak their minds can be regarded as a higher confidence form achieved, and without the provision, the message holder may face societal challenges. In any organization, the members are presented with the opportunity of equal participation. Before being included in the organization of these groups, the issued provision is placed on the principles to be followed. However, some rules made to govern these institutions may be challenging towards attaining progress. The importance is accorded the desire for the available members within the groups to suggest solutions (Russomanno, 2010). In speaking their minds, individuals are accorded the platform to suggest reforms. The entity breeds confidence to confront an external power that may be the authority of the setting. The leaders within the organizations articulate the measures to include positive reforms through t he open opinion venues. Airing the opinions publicly, or in the set platform has been noticed to include the measures applied to yield a positive outcome. The speech may be for or against the set rules within the organization. A platform that allows individuals to express their minds is regarded as the avenue that has achieved liberalism. The aspect of speaking one’s mind ascertains the existence of a free society. When individuals speak their mind, a form of respect and higher accordance is realized. This is noticed in an oppressive societal setting where the power dictates the behavioral trend. The confidence generated from free speech expression would be directed towards achieving freedom. In a company that offers constrained salary scale, the leaders within the groups are charged with the responsibility of advocating for changes (Miniature Book Collection, 1998). Sometimes, the entity is applied to present a collective thought in opinions. The minds under consideration ma y be of a group depicted in their leaders. The listening and leadership skills are built when an individual is capable of presenting the arguments to a higher power. The provision to deliver a comfortable working environment is placed in the communication between employers and employees. The norm may also be applied in seeking for an increment in the salary. A free societal setting allows for the freedom of expression. In a society without the allowance for members to speak their minds, the challenge is presented in the

Solid State Hard drive Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Solid State Hard drive - Research Paper Example Thus, it offers faster access time than a disk since the data can be randomly accessed and does not depend upon a read/write interface head synchronizing with a moving disk. In addition, it also offers better material flexibility to physical vibration, noise and excessive temperature change/variation. However, there is a problem with it that is its higher cost per MB of storage (StorageSearch) and (Crothers). Kyrnin (2009) states that fundamental principle of solid state drive’s working is that there should be no circulating or moving disk parts. In other words, these disks have no moving heads or spinning platters. Additionally, in solid state hard drive data is spread over numerous word length pieces and stored in memory. In addition, the data from the hard drive is accessed instantly using a technique unique system-wide addresses searching. Moreover, this action has been employed in computer RAM (Random Access Memory) for several years, however for a long time it was too costly for companies that manufacture SSD (Kyrnin). According to Rankin (2009), the solid state disks employ either SDRAM (volatile and non-volatile storage respectively) or NAND flash. Though, NAND flash is acknowledged as the NAND-gate technology that is widely used in USB flash drives as well as in a lot of different memory cards. Additionally, the NAND flash is based on the drives that are persistent as well as are able to successfully replicate a hard disk drive. On the other hand, SDRAM (synchronous dynamic random access memory) is a volatile memory and needs an additional power source if it is to function separately from a computer (Rankin). According to Kyrnin (2009), the solid state hard drive basically looks similar to the traditional hard drive and has no apparent difference from traditional hard drive. On the other hand, the new solid state hard

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Speaking Our Minds Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Speaking Our Minds - Essay Example Language and speech have been applied to convince parties to lean towards the presentation of establishing mutual agreement. The communication process has held the needed measures to offer a satisfaction in delivering substantial results in achieving a given target. The ability of expressing these desires has been noted to present the needed incentives to complete the norm of expression that determines the qualifications of individuals. The expression entity has been included in the relation to complete the norm of placing the desires before the though presented. The capability of individuals is varied and the challenge presented has been directed to the completion of the set tasks. However, various individuals hold different values that define their personality to the external society. The ability of an individual to claim their rights within the society has been noticed to hold the requirements in establishing confidence (Sanchez, 2009). Speech and the language involved in a conver sation or monologue accords the needed information to define the needed attributes to develop. The ability of an individual to speak their minds can be regarded as a higher confidence form achieved, and without the provision, the message holder may face societal challenges. In any organization, the members are presented with the opportunity of equal participation. Before being included in the organization of these groups, the issued provision is placed on the principles to be followed. However, some rules made to govern these institutions may be challenging towards attaining progress. The importance is accorded the desire for the available members within the groups to suggest solutions (Russomanno, 2010). In speaking their minds, individuals are accorded the platform to suggest reforms. The entity breeds confidence to confront an external power that may be the authority of the setting. The leaders within the organizations articulate the measures to include positive reforms through t he open opinion venues. Airing the opinions publicly, or in the set platform has been noticed to include the measures applied to yield a positive outcome. The speech may be for or against the set rules within the organization. A platform that allows individuals to express their minds is regarded as the avenue that has achieved liberalism. The aspect of speaking one’s mind ascertains the existence of a free society. When individuals speak their mind, a form of respect and higher accordance is realized. This is noticed in an oppressive societal setting where the power dictates the behavioral trend. The confidence generated from free speech expression would be directed towards achieving freedom. In a company that offers constrained salary scale, the leaders within the groups are charged with the responsibility of advocating for changes (Miniature Book Collection, 1998). Sometimes, the entity is applied to present a collective thought in opinions. The minds under consideration ma y be of a group depicted in their leaders. The listening and leadership skills are built when an individual is capable of presenting the arguments to a higher power. The provision to deliver a comfortable working environment is placed in the communication between employers and employees. The norm may also be applied in seeking for an increment in the salary. A free societal setting allows for the freedom of expression. In a society without the allowance for members to speak their minds, the challenge is presented in the

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

In-Class Assisgnment #3 (Social Science) Assignment

In-Class Assisgnment #3 (Social Science) - Assignment Example In our case study, we are going to use the Historical research design in finding out the number and different communities that operate within the Diablo Valley College by collecting, reviewing and synthesizing evidence from the past by use of secondary sources and a selection of primary documentary evidence including official records, archives, reports and non-textual information including maps. This will help in deduction of the fact on the existing cultures in the scope of the study (Saunders 2005). The subculture operates in a form of groups based on defining characters such as value, dress and song and are classified into college subculture such as nonconformist, academic, vocational, collegiate and perpetual teenager. Nonconformist type of subculture is involved with the idea of being identified with the adult community in college. They have the value of respect from the junior students who enroll after them. Moreover, their mode of dressing is very formal in order to gain respect from the juniors and to serve as their role model. Vocational culture is characterized by little attachment to the college â€Å"where† students buy their education like groceries. These students are resistant to intellectual demands demand on them beyond what is required to pass the course. They dress luxury clothes and are associated with expensiveness. They are seriously involved in learning especially the activities nad courses connected directly to skills they require to have in order to pursue their career of choice. Collegiate subculture involves those college students that consumes most of the time in college and mostly commute in college hostels having all the campus fun with them. These students are always in books as they have all the time in school without any off college activities to distract them. Similar to academic culture students, this group works hard in college and most ends

Monday, October 14, 2019

Rights Contained in the U.S. Bill of Rights Essay Example for Free

Rights Contained in the U.S. Bill of Rights Essay Through the years, the Bill of Rights of the United States has stood as the embodiment of the fundamental rights and privileges of the American public — that is, for both people and important aspects of the society. As such, it is truly crucial to uphold and adhere to the said rights in the U. S. Constitution at all times. In fact, the Supreme Courts uses such foundation to implement justice and protect people from possible violations. Thus, it is through a clear identification and execution as well as appropriate description by the Supreme Court that the nation and its citizens realize the purpose and essence of the Bill of Rights. Bill of Rights: Constitution’s First Ten Amendments Mount, as the author of the online source USConstitution. net, offers an insightful outline and even relevant notes concerning the rights contained in the Bill of Rights. It is worthy to outline the Bill of Rights according to the presentation of Mount or the USConstitution. net, which states that the rights included in the Bill of Rights (the common term for the collection of the first ten amendments) are as follows: Amendment 1 Freedom of Religion, Press. Amendment 2 Right to Bear Arms. Amendment 3 Quartering of Soldiers. Amendment 4 Search and Seizures. Amendment 5 Trial and Punishment, Compensation for Takings. Amendment 6 Right to Speedy Trial, Confrontation of Witnesses. Amendment 7 Trial by Jury in Civil Case. Amendment 8 Cruel and Unusual Punishment. Amendment 9 Construction of Constitution. Amendment 10 Powers of the States and People. (2) To better understand and eventually realize the value of the Bill of Rights, Mount further explains that its initial non-inclusion in the Constitutional Convention indicates inappropriateness (1). This is because the Bill of Rights, particularly the first ten Amendments, comprises the basic rights and privileges of people and the components of the society (Mount 1). Simply put, a Constitution without a Bill of Rights can be considered as unworthy. Hence, realizing the need to clearly identify the rights and privileges which protect the public’s interests, the Bill of Rights is a part of the Constitution that must not be neglected or should not cease to exist (Mount 1). The author however clarifies that the need to respect the Bill of Rights coincides with the requirement to amend the said ten rights in order to avoid misinterpretation and incorrect application of the measure. Thus, the condition of changing the ten most important provisions is necessary that leads us now to the existence of the Bill of Rights (Mount 1). Mount then reveals that the previous efforts made by Representative James Madison were the crucial point in the realization of the Bill of Rights. It was through such event that a clear identification of what rights should come from which Amendment was carried out. The ratification of the Bill of Rights collectively known as the initial ten Amendments on December 15, 1791 (Mount 1) paved the way for the protection of people’s rights and privileges. While there are explicit descriptions and explanations on the Bill of Rights, the above-cited outline summarizes its essence in terms of the protection, freedom, and privileges of the American people. Supreme Court’s Definition Over the years, the Supreme Courts has defined the Bill of Rights as the innate rights of the people which must always be followed and preserved. This is because the nature or characteristic of the Bill of Rights poses a great significance to the lives and interests of the people and society. It is precisely the Supreme Court which supports the Bill of Rights nowadays. In a breakthrough decision, the Supreme Courts defines the Bill of Rights as fundamental forms of liberty among people. The Supreme Court has specifically decided that â€Å"After carefully considering the relevance of the 10 inviolable rights that comprise the ideological foundation on which our nation is built, the court finds that these basic freedoms remain important for the time being, and should not be overturned† (â€Å"Supreme Court Upholds Bill of Rights in 5-4 Decision† 1). Conclusion In summary, the Bill of Rights significantly outlines a person’s rights and privileges, protects one’s freedom, and signifies the condition to be empowered. While it is always emphasized that responsibility comes in every right, it is definitely highly important to observe the Bill of Rights at all times. Ultimately, it is necessary for the components of the country such as the U. S. Supreme Court to interpret the Bill of Rights as a valuable measure aimed at providing people with justice and acknowledging their rights to humane existence. Works Cited Mount, Steve. â€Å"The United States Constitution. † U. S. Constitution Online. 6 Feb. 2009. 16 July 2009. http://www. usconstitution. net/const. html#Amends. â€Å"Supreme Court Upholds Bill of Rights in 5-4 Decision. † The Onion. 14 Nov. 2008. 16 July 2009. http://www. theonion. com/content/news_briefs/supreme_court_upholds_bill

Sunday, October 13, 2019

The interactional nature of suspended clause constructions in Japanese

In spoken Japanese, subordinate clauses often occur without their main clauses. Ohori (1995; 1997) called them suspended clause constructions (SCCs) and formulated that a SCC occurs when â€Å"the intended message is either contextually inferable or conventionalized.† However, it is not very clear when and how the conversational participants know whether the intended message is contextually inferable (or conventionalized) or not, since a SCC and a â€Å"non-suspended version† of subordinate clause are not totally distinct category. Therefore, in order to consider the motivation for SCCs, we need to look carefully at the details of the process of producing SCCs. Based on the corpus analysis on naturally occurring conversational recordings, I propose to modify Ohori’s formulation from the Interactional Linguistic point of view. 1 Introduction It has been widely known that, in spoken Japanese, subordinate clauses (e.g. kedo- /kara- /node- /noni- clauses) often occur without their main clauses (Martin, 1975; Hinds, 1986). While they are syntactically incomplete, they comprise a complete utterance. For example, in (1), speaker A uses a kedo (‘though,’ ‘but’) clause without its main clause. Ohori (1995; 1997) argued that such patterns can be seen as independent grammatical constructions in the sense of Fillmore et al. (1988) and called them suspended clause constructions (SCCs). Answering to a question of â€Å"under what conditions can a clause ‘marked for subordination’ not be accompanied by a following main clause?† (pp.201-202), Ohori (1995) formulated that a SCC occurs when â€Å"the intended message is either contextually inferable or conventionalized† (p.213). From the Construction Grammarians’ point of view, Ohori (1995:216) argued tha... ...r when and how the conversational participants know whether the intended message is contextually inferable (or conventionalized) or not, since a SCC and a â€Å"non-suspended version† of subordinate clause are not totally distinct category. Therefore, in order to consider the motivation for SCCs, we need to look carefully at the details of the process of producing SCCs. Based on the corpus analysis on naturally occurring conversational recordings, I found that it cannot be predetermined whether an subordinate clause is a SCC or not. Rather, SCCs are realized retrospectively as a result of interactive negotiation among conversational participants. Thus, I propose to modify Ohori’s formulation as follows: a SCC occurs when the fact that the intended message is either contextually inferable or conventionalized is interactionally observable by the participants’ behavior.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

The Paths We Choose Essay -- John Steinbecks Of Mice and Men

To take someone’s life; is it truly wrong? This is not that simple of a question, because every time a life is taken it isn’t out of cold blood. Sometimes it is just the opposite of that thought. The portrayal of George and Carlson in the book Of Mice and Men is of life takers. They differ by moral standings; the bonds they share with the character is life they take, and how take that character's life affects them. While George takes a life out of mercy, Carlson did what he thought was necessary. They made the same decision for different reasons and different understandings of why it had to be done. George is hot tempered older brother figure to Lennie who is a big and gentle but deadly guy; on the other hand, Carlson is a ranch hand with no really close connections. George was asked by Aunt Clara to promise to take care of Lennie. He sees Lennie as a kid brother that doesn’t know any better; George is life bound to Lennie, not just thought the promise he made, but George’s own love for him. When Lennie is sad to calm him down, he invented a story of a ranch with bunnies with the promise that they leave, and go there when they are old. He cares for Lennie so much he starts to believe his own story; Skip town leaves jobs just for Lennie sake. Carlson is a selfish man. If something no longer has a use, he gets rid of it â€Å"that dog was a great sheep dog in it prime† is something Candy would have said to Carlson. If something has no value there’s no need for it to exist anymore. Basically Carlson cutting himself off from others, so he won't get attach ed to them once they are no longer usefully. He will shed them like a snake shad’s skin, but while it may soun... ...f a question, because every time a life is taken it isn’t out of cold blood. As we see with George, your moral character may say that it’s wrong, but if it’s a family member, your brother, your sister, even your best friend who was in trouble, and a group was after them, and there was no other choice: they’re going to die if the group got to them; they were going to be torched. Like Clarkson, we also understand the means of necessity; if something doesn’t work you throw it out, or in his case, kill it. For George taking a life is hard, even harder when the life you’re taking is closer to you, and to put that responsibility in someone else hand is cruel to those you care for .Carlson has no problem with taking life; it is not he doesn’t care about life, just to him it is necessary for life to be taken, and the outcome is not different no matter who pulls the trigger.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Big Drive Auto Scenario Pricing Essay

Operations and planning are important to all organizations, supplier’, and customers around the world. Interest rates influence operations and planning, regarding Big Drives assets and liabilities. Low interest rates allow for competitive rates and services. Higher interest rates increase operations costs, reduce business, and lose customers. When costs are not passed onto the consumer, profits decline. The operation Costs are defined as the day-to-day expenses incurred in running a business, such as sales and administration, as opposed to production (InvestorGuide. com, 2009). Yield Curve Steep climbing curves are typically generated at the bottom of a recession. They come about when short-term bond rates are less than long-term rates. This shape is typical at the beginning of an economic expansion, after the end of a recession. These curves predict for investors a period of inflation, rising interest rates, and reestablishing demand (SmartMoney, 2009). Considering the recently deteriorated performance of GM, due to the recession, a brighter prediction with increased demand can be expected for Big Drive. Customer Demand for Products Interest rates and customer demand are inversely related. The higher rates are, the lower consumption is. When income is limited, customers spend less, resulting in reduced sales. Adjusting prices to overcome diminished consumer demand can be implemented. Attractive pricing strategies and creative incentives can help. Once the yield curve plays out, demand will increase and market will correct. Dependence on Monetary Variables other than interest rates, such as business cycles causes cyclical movements in the economy. During expansion, output and employment rise. A rapid rise in inflation may occur, due to the expansion cycle. Conversely, during a recession, decline in output of goods and services occurs.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Hilda Black Tax Letter

Interest Charges Dear Mrs†¦ Black: Thank you for your phone call in regards to your concern about the interest penalties and charges from the IRS regarding the bonds you cashed in last April during tax time. I write you this letter to inform you that I am unable to pay these fines, as explained in this letter. Last April, you called and kindly asked if rolling funds over room one retirement fund to another Is considered a tax event.When doing this type of transaction, if done within 60 days, Is not considered a tax event. When these funds are drawn to supplement retirement income, taxes are paid on the portion representing interest earned. On the contrary, bonds are not the same type of transaction as retirement accounts In terms of Interest paid during tax time. Unfortunately, the IRS requires that taxes be paid on interest made and/or capital main the April following cashing In these bonds.The $1 ,309. 72 In taxes and penalties you are receiving are from cashing In the bonds w e spoke of last year. I am not In a position where I am liable for these charges, and apologize for any confusion from our talk last year. I value you as my client, and strive for the best relationship possible. If I can be of any help In communication with the IRS, or If you have any questions before or during next tax season, please do not hesitate to call me. Sincerely, Alyssa Hill

Advantages of cctv

Crime prevention has been somewhat a battle that most authorities face as they try to come up with new measures to deter crime and anti-social behaviour among citizens. One of the ways to prevent these problems is by using Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) in places where there are crime risks such as shopping malls and banks. The CCTV can be defined as the use of video cameras to transmit signals or images to a specific place or set of monitors, which allows close monitoring and surveillance.Nowadays, CCTVs are widely used to prevent crimes and some are installed in public areas. I agree that it plays an important role in preventing crime and antl-soclal behaviour. Since crime and anti-soclal behaviours such as theft, rape, and other inconsiderate acts can cause damage to our society, measures such as Installing CCTVs in certain areas can be used to deter such acts. The act of breaking the law or antl-soclal behaviour such a vandalism of government property are done because the crimi nals believe that there is no one or no authorized personnel watching their wrongdoings.They believe that they can escape from the law because there is no evidence or witness to the crime. By installing CCTVs in areas where the crime rate is high, for example, parking lots or car parks, crimes Ilke car theft can be reduced. In a survey done by Northeastern University, it was analysed that the surveillance cameras have helped in crime reduction, with a decline of 51% crime rates In parking lots. Recently, more people are installing CCTVs in their private residence to stop break-ins. Criminals become discouraged when they see these devices.This is because the cameras may record he criminal's actions and their faces. The cameras' presence in the area can curb the criminals from committing the crime for fear of being recorded on tape. Besides that, the technology of surveillance cameras have improved throughout the years, providing high quality and high definition videos and images that can capture the details of people's physical appearance with the exact time and place. This may well instil hesitation and fear in the hearts of law-offenders, thus dampening their urge to commit crimes.The CCTVs do not only discourage the acts of crime, but It serves as roviding critical evidence for certain crimes. For example, CCTVs were substantially useful in the murder of James Bulger in England In the year of 1993. As James' mother was momentarily distracted in the shopping mall where they were shopping, the surveillance cameras In the shopping mall recorded scenes of how 2-year-old James was abducted by two 10-year-old boys, Jon Venables and Robert Thompson. They brought him out from the shopping mall and to several places before finally murdering him near a cemetery.The video footage documented by the CCTVs of the hopping mall were attained and displayed in national television by the media. A woman who knew Venables and that he had played truant with Thompson that day, saw the video and recognized him. She immediately contacted the police and the two been recognized, and they may have caused other murders or anti-social behaviours which pose a definite threat to people, in this case, small children. The CCTVs have helped to create hard evidence that is unchallenged.CCTVs have been a very modern measure in reducing crime rates, but some people argue that it actually displaces crime, rather than deterring it. Easily-available mini CCTVs have been known to be used for criminal activity. It can be install at automatic teller machines (ATM) to steal people's personal identification number without them knowing it. Apart from the fact that it may violate people's privacy, the CCTVs' videos are easily hacked and obtained. Some may use these videos illegally for their own use, usually for artistic purposes.In addition, some people think that the CCTVs cannot prevent crime, because crime prevention can only be done through education or correction of behaviour. They think that the surveillance cameras do nothing to inhibit crime, as in some occasions, crime still occur even though the cameras are present. For instance, a bank can still be robbed even with CCTVs operating for 24 hours. During robbery, the robbers can very well conceal their faces from the recording cameras simply by wearing a mask or cloth to avoid recognition. Their acts may be recorded, but their faces have been hidden.As a result, the videos obtained might prove non-useful. That is why some people believe that the CCTVs actually have no role in preventing crime. In conclusion, crime prevention using CCTVs is not the only way to combat crime and anti-social behaviour, but it is one of the practical ways that should be implemented. There are some countries that install CCTVs in public areas for the purpose of deterring crime and anti-social behaviour such as United Kingdom. A survey by University of Cambridge stated that the installations of the cameras have reduced crime and anti-social activity rates in public locations with a drop of 7%.In highways in some countries, CCTVs are fixed to poles or in trees to detect road-bullies nd drivers who exceed the speed limits. So, I strongly believe that the CCTVs are particularly useful in both private housing and public places, as it can create the uncomfortable feeling of being closely observed as offenders commit misconduct. This feeling can generate a consciousness in them, making them reluctant to break the law. Looking at the fgures, these methods have positive effects in controlling crime. Therefore, the CCTVs have a significant role in preventing crime and anti-social behaviour.CCTV Cameras are very useful when it comes to offering reliable monitoring and urveillance to a particular location. They are efficient equipment which help in the prevention of crime; they help keep criminals from breaking inside residences and also stealing valuables. However,' strongly believe that having CCTV security cam eras at home has more disadvantages than advantages. Apart from their strengths, CCTV Cameras are disadvantageous when it comes to personal privacy. Homeowners whoVe got CCTV camera systems set up in their own homes are going to be monitored 2417.They won't have the capacity to perform what they wish to do ecause they are being watched every single second, every single minute, every single day! It could be very annoying and also troublesome to appear in a video clip in which you have picked out your nose. It could be really irritating that the smallest motion that you try is going to be captured inside a video. Getting several CCTV Cameras and installing the best CCTV cameras at home can certainly help protect against as well as discourage crooks and also intruders. Yet, you're also limited from performing a lot of things without restraint.There are a few of the disadvantages of CCTV cameras to people's personal space such as no more personal discussions. Each family member can easi ly know what you and your pal is discussing over the phone. Your conversation won't be recorded completely, but it will capture whatever you have said in your conversation. So if it is something against one of the members of the family, everyone will know. Besides that, no more surprises. You can't plan for your mother's surprise birthday party together with your brothers and sisters because it will be documented on video.There are security CCTV cameras which can ecord not only the video footage but also the audio clearly. If perhaps you are thinking about surprising your own mommy for her 50th birthday celebration along with your siblings, don't plan it inside your home because it is going to be found by your mother in case she reads the cameras' recorded videos. In addition, You're conscious constantly. Having CCTV Cameras observing you will make you sense mindful. You need to act normally and even severely. You can't carry out outrageous things like running undressed in your home when you're home alone.You can't fart r perhaps burp anywhere indoors. Picking your nose is actually a no-no, too. These will simply embarrass you if your father begins to check out the videos and discovers everything you did. then moping and crying even inside your bedroom shouldn't be done. Let us say the man you're dating Just broke up with you and you wanted to be by yourself in your room to weep as well as let your emotions out. But you will find cameras installed inside. Crying inside the bedroom is going to be little bit uncomfortable since everyone will see you moping and crying.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

CORPORATE FINANCE - ASSIGNMENT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

CORPORATE FINANCE - ASSIGNMENT - Essay Example mpany is evident and the company has declared a relatively high dividend of 57p per share in the year 2008 which is a significant improvement as far as last 3 year dividends declared are concerned. All in all, our mathematical method of computing WACC suggests that GSK is highly inclined towards debt financing, which is a prime reason behind the increment in WACC. We also conclude the fact that floating interest rate due to the current economic condition reduces the WACC and also consider the company’s performance which reflects on the net income which ultimately reflects on the dividends declared. It is prime evidence of the fact that the management takes all necessary measures to reduce the cost of doing business which is a major consideration for any and every business. The operating, investing and financing activities of a company are very handy and useful information for the users of financial infrmation, such as creditors, investors, financial analysts, etc, because these activities change the financial position of the company. Let us now look upon some of the important activities that make some impression on GSK’s financial position. GSK’s management has adopted sound business strategies in order to ensure smooth and efficient running of its operational activities. These strategies have expanded the cash generation from operations to  £ 9,055m in the year 2008 in comparison to previous years. The reason behind this high figure of  £9,055 million are the two reclassifications; the cash generated from operations is  £106 million lower than that given in GSK’s unaudited or projected accounts issued on 5th February 2009. Also keeping in view that drop-off in liquid investments for the current year has been reclassified from financing activities to investing activities. Some accounting heads that create changes in the trade payables may have been a result of the growth of products that the company introduced. GSK management computes inventories on a

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

English Composition 1 essayThis paper is to be an argument; it must Essay

English Composition 1 essayThis paper is to be an argument; it must put forth a position about which reasonable, educated people can be expected to disagree. It must not present both sides of the story - Essay Example The use of tobacco casts deep effects on the health of a regular user. There are many diseases associated with the use of tobacco products. The use of tobacco products can cause cancer in many parts of the body. Children and women are more vulnerable to the negative effects of tobacco. This essay aims at identifying the drawbacks of smoking cigarettes and other tobacco products. This essay tries to make all aware of the reasons why all tobacco products should be banned. Smoking tobacco harms our health in many ways. In fact, the use of tobacco is akin to slow poisoning. The most famous and favorite form of tobacco products is ‘Cigarette’. Cigars and chewing tobacco are some important forms of the consumable tobacco products. Federal Drug Agency noted that use of tobacco is injurious to health (Federal Drug Agency). There are many diseases associated with tobacco usage. As per estimates by independent non-governmental organizations, more than 20 million people have been died due to use of cigarettes. There are many diseases associated with the usage of tobacco. In the US alone, smoking causes more than 480,000 deaths per year. The most dangerous diseases associated with the use of tobacco products are Lung Cancer, Oral Cancer, and other Cardiovascular and Respiratory diseases (National Cancer Institute).There are numerous harms of tobacco products. Cigarette, the famous tobacco product is also injurious to health. Smocking can cause cancer in many part of the body including Bladder, Blood (acute myeloid leukemia), Cervix, Colon, Esophagus, Kidney, Larynx, Liver, Oropharynx, Pancreas, Stomach, and Trachea (National Cancer Institute). Tobacco products also badly affect our brain and activities of brain. The effect of a commonly used tobacco product cigarette, as an example would further reflect on the related risks and harms. Generally, a smoker inhales 10 puffs on a cigarette in a 5 minutes time.

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Editing a babysitting biography I wrote Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Editing a babysitting biography I wrote - Essay Example Since childhood, I have had a special liking for the children. Being the elder sister, I have always taken good care of my younger siblings and have been a great helping hand for my mother. I have acquired the degree of Associate in Child Development (CDA). I am certified in CPR & FIRST AID. In the capacity of a certified CDA, I have worked as a Child Care Provider Assistant in a family day care center, where I babysat children for almost 7 years. I am currently doing my Associate Degree in Psychology and will graduate in the winter of 2011. I am quite fluent in English and Spanish. I am an energetic, fun-loving, punctual, reliable and friendly lady who loves and enjoys working with kids and families. I have taken care of infants, toddlers, and pre schoolers. I also have many available references. I used to charge $12-14 an hour depending upon the location in which the service was to be given. The test I have given as a babysitter comprises such activities as preparing, serving meals to the children in an appetizing way and feeding them, bathing and dressing some children while assisting the untrained children in taking bath and dressing up, changing the children’s diapers, planning activities for them and designing curriculums in accordance with the individualistic needs of different age groups. I am a born babysitter. It is not something I have adopted as a profession. It was meant to be like that since my nature has fundamentally been structured that way. I love my profession and am positive that I can take excellent care of children.

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Managment in arts Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Managment in arts - Essay Example FNAC (National French Collection of Contemporary Art) can be considered as an example of cultural diversity in selecting the artistic works. Fifty percent of the arts collection contains French works while the other fifty percent comprises the works of arts of non-French artists. The numbers of bought works of art are French as well as non-French and are bought in a similar ratio. There is no restriction in terms of nationality and origin of the artist in terms of his/her artistic work and the works of art are bought and sold without any obligation concerning culture, nationality or origin. As far as ratio of artistic work from other nationalities is concerned, it is not equal. FNAC indicates that the artistic works from US are enormous in ratio as compared to other countries. The higher ratio from which, the works of art belong are from western richest economies such as United States, Britain, Germany, Italy and Switzerland. The collection of artistic works at FNAC contains the artistic works from 55 different countries, which represents that globalization has impacted the sector of artistic work to a great extent. The structure of artists’ nationalities is not affected because of increasing or decreasing ratio of non-French artistic works. There is a hierarchy, which is followed in order to give positions to the works of art. Globalization has not opened grounds for the poor but has provided more grounds to the rich. United States is considered at the top in terms of hierarchy of works of art in terms of foreign representation. Collections of the works of arts at various places in the world give prominence to the artists of the place while the artistic works from prominent countries such as United States, France, Britain, Switzerland, Italy, Germany, Belgium and many others, are also considered crucial and given concentration on the basis of the nationalities of the artists. The artists are

Friday, October 4, 2019

To what extent is musical taste governed by society Essay

To what extent is musical taste governed by society - Essay Example Through historical study of music, it is clear that music was thought as endanger to societal moral standards of Europe. However later it was realised that music also upholds a religious dimension and quality music has the ability to provoke suppressed religious feelings (McLeod, 1996, p. 17).In this paper, we would analyse music as a magnum opus in the context of historical, cultural and educational significance. How its evolution as an art, closely connected with various trends of our Western civilization Music in different stages has not only permitted but has enforced the application of the so-called 'historical method' which aims at describing the single work of art as a product of the creative mind of a composer or the creative tendencies of a school of composers who remain anonymous.History has reshaped internationally the outlook of music in this era and to many musicians it has harmonised the study and performance of music, therefore distinctive styles are disappearing. The past has also given us a unique concept of national identity that concerns not only the ways in which composers wrote their music, influenced by considerations such as tradition, function, social context and even language, but also its performance. Music has not limited itself to extending aspects of instrument construction and sound ideal. While considering an example of seventeenth century music in Italy, it is obvious that representation and excitation of the emotions fostered were quite contrary to earlier practice, involving emotional expression on the model of speech. Although the Italian language's free expression resulted in the music taking second place to the drama in opera, the unimaginative Italian style of presentation encouraged a trend towards virtuosity in instrumental music. With the passage of time, as Italian music adopted more formal manner of expression, its manner of presentation remained capricious and rich in fantasy (Lawson & Stowell, 1999, p. 43). This way one can see Italian music maintained its national identity, while modernising the social values of music. Music rhetoric Relationships that exist between different musical works enjoy composition among those parts. For example a theme is composed of tones and phrases; a work entails certain themes and is a discourse, of phrases (Frances & Dowling, 1988, p. 134). Since themes and work present as an approximate character of such relationships that has often been noted and attributed to a variety of reasons. First the reason that thought is external to language and that verbal thought can only designate objects and their relations while musical thought embodies its objects in tones on which it strictly depends. Second is the reason that verbal relationships, the ordering of propositions and the succession of phrases are of a logical order, whereas musical 'discourse' is of a perceptual order. What our contemporary society perceives music is the encompassing of activities implied in the comprehension of musical rhetoric to be connected with those of sensory intelligence. It is music that has enabled twentieth century psychology to contribute to the expansion of the domain of thought in the direction of perceptual organisation. For instance, thinking of 'events' and relate them to the source of elaborate activities is what music is perceived in this society however in those activities one can found biological factors of motivation, psychological activities, pathological aspects etc. Music, art and society Society has always attached great symbolic meanings and sentiments to music.

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Teens in Therapy Essay Example for Free

Teens in Therapy Essay Richard Bromfield, PH. D, is a psychologist, he is also a faculty member at the Harvard Medical School, and he specializes in therapy with children and adolescents. He is a writer and wrote several best sellers about children, adolescents and psychotherapy. This book is one of Bromfield’s many award winning writings. Introduction The book I chose to review for this assignment is entitled: Teens in Therapy: Making It on their own: Engaging Adolescents in Successful Therapy for Responsible Lives, by author Richard Bromfield. This book offers therapeutic advice and key insights into overcoming difficult clinical terrain. I selected this book based on my passion and fervor for working with adolescents. It is my belief that working with adolescents and being quite young myself would be a challenge. This book’s key focus is to help clinicians engage adolescents in therapy as most individuals are coerced into the activity, and are reluctant at giving their all during therapy sessions. The backbone of the book consists of clinical case material, which explores real stories, and events that take place in most therapeutic sessions. Bromfield uses adolescents and their stories as authors of the book, as their experiences shape the stories making them vivid and noteworthy. The books content is highly comprehensible, realistic, intellectual, and honest. It caters to an audience of beginner therapist, as it explores the essentials of adolescent therapy without jargon or over reliance of theory. Critique â€Å" Only when people realize what is in their lives can they make decisions to continue their old ways or choose active paths towards change. † (Pg. ) this was one of the many quotes that stood out for me during the course of readings as it is one of the first concepts that all therapist need to accept and acknowledge. The author emphasizes that adolescents, like all people, do not change until they want to, and only after they see and accept their challenges can the therapy begin to progress. Each chapter mirrors the therapeutic process, from treatment planning, confrontation, opposition, motivational ass essment, to crisis management, boundary setting, and enduring failed therapy sessions. Each chapter is well laid out with the order and content that it covers, as it explores various different scenarios in a step-by-step process. The first three (3) chapters echo the first stages of therapy, such as creating the correct settings, going through the initial greeting and meeting phases and addressing the preliminary difficulties that may occur during therapeutic sessions. Just as it is difficult for us to trust people and let them into our lives so to he says is the case with adolescents. Building trust has been described as one of the earliest developmental task and the foundation on which all others are built (Erikson, 1980). Establishing a trusting relationship is fundamental to the development and the progress of any therapeutic relationship. The therapist is portrayed in this book as someone who enables the adolescent client to take control of their life, by recognizing and regarding them with all their weaknesses and the challenging systems it may take, setting parameters, and meeting these adolescents wherever they are, sympathizing and interacting with them on their level using their jargon. A major technique that Bromfield describes in his book as he speaks about interacting with adolescents is creating a shared language. He depicts this by using a case study of a boy named Karl. â€Å"Bitch Alert, Headache no 25 and pretending to strangle his own neck were like minded key words used by my teenage patients to speed dial how they felt†( pg. 116) . Bromfield adds, â€Å" Whether embodied in a word, catch phrase, play scenario, secret world or entire world of metaphor, languages and world that therapist and their adolescent patients mutually create can become their own. These shared meanings become the powerful routes through which the therapist and teenager communicate best† (pg. 117). This suggestion has allowed me to broaden my style and approach to creating a more comfortable space for adolescents to open up and share. This he adds would serve as a shortcut for difficult events and the way they express those events verbally, allowing a more unique and connected space for the teenager and myself. Empathy is a central theme that runs through the entire book. Dr.  Bromfield highlights the importance and significance of empathy, understanding adolescents while balancing the need to challenge and push them. Empathy is an emotion, I value highly as a future humanistic counselor as I believe it can be a very potent tool in therapy. â€Å" As to this day I am awed at empathic understanding’s near miraculous power to soften children’s and adults’ defensive resolve† (p48), he describes the miraculous power of empathy and how it can allow persons in therapy to uncover those other emotions that they may have suppressed quite well. In chapter six (6), Bromfield points out several small gestures that therapist may do to create a more comfortable and secure environment for adolescents. I concur with this belief, as feeling a sense of security and importance in therapy are key in its progression. He claims that simple gesture such as; offering a shawl, opening a window or simply adjusting the heater can assure these teenagers that their needs are important and valuable to you. Bromfield’s passion for helping adolescents are mirrored in every case study that he describes, where he goes the extra mile to ensure that the engagement in therapy is successful. His patience, fervor and persistence are what ensure most therapeutic sessions are successful. Those characteristics are the ones that should be heeded and exhibited by each new counselor. Bromfield uses a whole chapter to discuss a key subject in therapy, honesty. His chapter entitled, â€Å" Truth or Consequences: Assessing and Promoting Honesty in Therapy†, assesses one significant moral characteristics for me as; I believe honesty is a key moral characteristic that is needed in therapeutic sessions. Bromfield points out that honesty in therapy should be a two-way communication, and that both the therapist and the adolescent need to adhere to this trait. The importance of respecting someone’s honesty is also highlighted in the books as to not be judgmental or disappointed when the truth is revealed in sessions. He reveals that being genuine and real with adolescents aids the therapy, as they are quite keen on detecting when therapists are being fake or unreal with them. The aspect of sincerity have always been a hurdle for me, as I often ponder of what may occur if I demonstrate negative facial reactions to any information that a client may reveal to me during a session. The author gives insightful and detailed suggestions as to how to avoid or rather prepare oneself to hear the most outrageous and absurd stories, in so doing, avoiding the element of surprise. Reading some of the stories that the author portrays has helped me overcome that hurdle as he offers other suggestions and avenues for avoiding judgmental comments or expressions. The author cautions â€Å" Therapist do not take the fact that a teenager has opened the door a crack, as an invitation to kick it down with critical and probing questions†, instead he gives alternative responses that may show adolescents recognition for their bravery of telling the truth. The subject of balancing between clients and their parents is also discussed whereby he examines the importance of confidentiality. This being another main battle that I see myself having a struggle with as being pressured for results from some parents, and then balancing the confidentially and trusting relationship the child and I may have developed. Sending parents out the room is never an easy task; Bromfield fails to elaborate on this key aspect of therapy and the mechanisms one may use in order to address such an issue. The issue of clients ‘falling in love’ with the therapist is an important issues that Bromfield doesn’t take into account in his book. The age of adolescence is quite a complicated stage, during this time hormones begin to release and new feelings and motions are experienced. Therefore, having an adolescent ‘fall in love’ during sessions is quite a prevalent phenomenon. One of the most engaging chapters —â€Å"Failures, Missteps and Lost Causes† — it sets a tone of consolation, as it highlights that having failures is normal and that not every therapeutic session will always be a success. â€Å" Do your best and forgive yourself when you fall short†, Bromfield argues that therapists, can only do as much as they can and not always their attempts in fixing a situation is successful but each failure should be looked at a lesson and a chance for growth as a therapist. Bromfield claims â€Å" When I began doing psychotherapy with teenagers and children I was naive, I saw myself as a purist† (pg. 29). An increased sense of comfort came when he added that he found himself being taught by his young patients and he needed to find other methods of helping them. He learnt a little, by little after each session where he added new skills and tools to his repertoire, in an attempt to help adolescents engage in successful therapy. This assertion challenged my misconception that therapist had to know it all and helped to realize that everyone has to start somewhere and not always would we have all the answers r solutions for the problems that are presented to us, but as time goes along we would add to our knowledge and experience. However this chapter fails to address the topic of recognizing professional limitation, where a counselor must recognize their inability to work with a specific client or deal with specific problems. When a client’s personal dilemma, begins to cause a counselor personal difficulties to a stage at which their own effectiveness is compromised, then a referral should be considered. This issue of â€Å"burnout† is also deficient in this chapter. Burnout may affect many counselors and can compress their effectiveness of their professional life Grosh and Olser (1994) The book does contains a few grammatical errors which occasionally requires the reader to re-read a sentence to work out its meaning. However, this book is a well-written, pragmatic guide for beginning therapist or students pursing courses in therapy, psychology or counseling. It can also be a beneficial guide for parents of adolescents as it offers advise on coping with many difficult situations. It teaches and addresses minor situations to extreme situations, from introvert issues to violence. However, I disagree with the author’s recommendation for it being suitable for seasoned professions, as I believe they would have already had the knowledge and experience into most of these scenarios that he has revealed in his book and the information maybe monotonous to them. The book also lacks theoretical framework, as it is highly reliant on simply clients that Dr. Bromfield interacted with. It is a highly subjective book and as it is based purely on his perspective and experience as a counselor. I would highly recommend this book to students and beginner therapist, as it is easy reading. Bromfield is a humorous writer, his use of witticisms, vignettes and unfiltered language would entice and hold a readers attention. This book led me to find myself taking every free opportunity to engage in further reading; at no point did I ever feel confused or unable to comprehend the messages that were being illustrated. The use of real life situation deepened my understanding, as I tend to be a visual learner. I have already ordered another of Bromfield’s books, as I believe his writing has a lot to offer me as a future child and adolescent counselor as it has made me feel more confident and prepared.